Sunday, November 29, 2009

Answers to Quiz 2

1. Questions that require a person to select an answer from a list provided are known as __________ questions.

a) Open-ended
b) Pretest
c) Experimental
d) Closed-ended

2. A ____________is a type of survey question intended for only some respondents, determined by their responses to some other question.

a) Snowball question
b) Contingency question
c) Purposive question
d) Regressive question

3. A person who provides information/data for your research is called a

a) Respondent
b) Data provider
c) Drop-out
d) None of the above

4. Several questions that have the same response format is called as

a) Matrix questions
b) Non-matrix questions
c) Same answer questions
d) None of the above

5. Which among the following is an example of testing reliability?

a) Split half method
b) Test-retest method
c) Validity method
d) Only (a) and (b)

6. Which among the following criteria is false when constructing a questionnaire?

a) Use short statements
b) Ensure that all possible answers/responses are shown
c) Use ambiguous statements
d) Avoid double barreled questions

7. You are likely to use a questionnaire when the questionnaire is

a) Reliable only
b) Valid only
c) Both reliable and valid

d) None of the above.

8. Construct validity denotes

a) How your measure or questionnaire relates to other similar theoretical constructs
b) The range of meanings included within a concept
c) Both 1 & 2
d) None of the above

9. A cover letter contains information on which of the following?

a) Objectives of the study
b) Confidentiality
c) Incentives, if any
d) All the above

10. Which of the criteria below is false for face-to-face surveys?

a) The respondent is interviewed in person
b) It involves more time and money
c) The interviewer must gain the attention of the respondent
d) The respondent fills in the questionnaire

11. Which among the criteria for constructing a research topic is false?

a) The title should be simple
b) The title should be free of ambiguous words
c) The title should be unbiased
d) The title should be lengthy

12. Conceptualization is a process of

a) Specifying a title
b) Arriving at an objective
c) Framing a hypothesis
d) Defining a concept

13. When you specify how a concept will be defined and measured in your research you are essentially doing

a) Operational definition
b) Nominal definition
c) Ordinal definition
d) Real definition

14. Which among the topics are appropriate for survey research?

a) Explorative
b) Descriptive
c) Explanatory
d) All the above

15. Which among the following is not a type of validity?

a) Content validity
b) Test-retest validity
c) Construct validity
d) All the above

~ END ~

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