Sunday, November 22, 2009

Answers to Quiz 1 - Make-up (Week 4)


Read each of the sentences below and decide if they are True or False by CLEARLY circling your answer.

1. Longitudinal design involves collecting data more than once. (True / False)

2. One of the criteria of nomothethic causation is nonspurious relationships.
(True / False)

3. Cause-effect relationships are difficult to establish in a cross-sectional study.
(True / False)

4. A Panel study is an example of a longitudinal study. (True / False)

5. Every observation is quantitative at the outset. (True / False)

6. The premodern view assumes that we see things as they really are (True / False)

7. Agreement reality can hinder out attempts to discover things for ourselves.
(True / False)

8. All of our experiences are inescapably subjective. (True / False)

9. It is pointless to acknowledge that we all operate within paradigms. (True / False)

10. Theories seek to provide logical explanations to social phenomena. (True / False)


Complete the following sentences by CLEARLY circling the right answer

1. A condition that must be present for an effect to occur is known as a

i) Necessary condition
ii) Spurious condition
iii) Non spurious condition
iv) Sufficient condition

2. A unit of analysis which is a product of social beings or their behavior is a/an

i) Social Artifact
ii) Individual
iii) Organization
iv) None of the above

3. An explorative study deals with

i) Satisfying researcher curiosity / getting basic information
ii) Describing an issue
iii) Studying a cause-effect relationship
iv) Challenging unscientific beliefs

4. A study that examines the same set of people more than once is a

i) Cohort study
ii) Panel study
iii) Trend Study
iv) Cross-sectional study

5. While attempting to find a cause-effect relationship, which among the following designs are we more likely to use?

i) Exploratory
ii) Descriptive
iii) Explanatory
iv) None of the above

6. Spurious relationships refer to

i) Genuine relationships between two variables
ii) Non genuine relationships between two variables
iii) Both i & ii
iv) None of the above.

7. Some sociologists and anthropologists view Singapore as a society committed to capitalism, an economic arrangement which they believe creates inequality. These views and feelings represent a/an:

i) Objective fact of nature
ii) Hypothesis
iii) Research method
iv) Paradigm

8. The idea that knowledge is based on observation made through the five senses rather than belief alone is termed:

i) Conflict theory
ii) Positivism
iii) Induction
iv) Idiographic analysis

9. A probabilistic explanation takes the form:

i) x is always y
ii) x tends to be y
iii) x is y if a and b are true
iv) All of the above

10. After examining divorce court records, Dr. Kevster concludes that women are more likely then men to obtain custody of their children. This type of statement is:

i) Value-laden
ii) Spurious
iii) Idiographic
iv) None of the above

11. Which of the following is most likely a list of variables?

i) Female, Malay, educational level
ii) Lecturer, Pornographer, Priest
iii) Occupation, Religion, Age
iv) Dishonest, Tired, Student

12. Kevin’s biology teacher told him about the “birds and the bees.” By relying on his biology teacher’s explanation, Kevin is relying on __________ as a way of knowing.

i) Authority
ii) Experience
iii) Tradition
iv) All of the above

13. The analysis of deviant cases – cases that do not fit the general pattern – helps to guard against:

i) Illogical reasoning
ii) Inaccurate observation
iii) Selective observation
iv) Abuse of authority

14. Dr. Kevster attended a classical music concert. Halfway during the performance, he jumped up and yelled “Wah Shiok Ah!” Later on he screamed “Happening man!” If you knew that Dr. Kevster was actually doing research, which research paradigm he was most likely using?

i) Ethnography
ii) Ethnology
iii) Ethnosynchrology
iv) Ethnomethodology

15. Which of the following best illustrates the use of the deductive method?

i) Observations, pattern finding, and generalizations
ii) Generalizations, theory, and hypothesis
iii) Hypothesis, observations, accept or reject hypothesis
iv) Theory, generalizations, accept or reject hypothesis

- END -

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