Saturday, January 23, 2010

ASR Project Presentation - Schedule and Requirements

Hi all,

Each project group will be presenting their research findings on the following days:

1) Project groups from 1B02 - Monday 8th February 2009, 2-4pm at LT43
2) Project groups from 1B01 - Thursday 11th February 2009, 11am-1pm at LT44

Each project group will be given 15-20 minutes to present their findings (using PowerPoint slides) and this will be followed by a short Q and A session conducted by Kevin and Srini.

As time will be limited, please be punctual for your presentation.

The actual line-up as to which project group will present 1st, 2nd and so on during the tutorial will be announced later.

Please note that the tutorial sessions on 1st Feb (for 1B02) and 4th Feb (for 1B01) are consultation sessions. Srini will be present on 1st Feb with 1B02 and Kevin will be present on 4th Feb for 1B01. Students are to make use of these sessions to clarify any doubts or questions they have regarding their project.

On presentation day, each group will have to do the following for the 15-20 minute presentation:

1) Overview of the project - what is it about, why this topic, any related research by others
2) Research methods employed for the project - description of methods, why such methods, any weaknesses and strengths of such methods
3) Description of data collected - Give an overview of the data collected and present it in an organized and coherent manner
4) Analysis of the data - does the data support your hypothesis (if you have one)? What does the data reveal? Does it give you a better understanding of the topic you are investigating?
5) Summary - Summarize the key findings of your project and describe any interesting learning points that your group may have picked up


Please hand Kevin and Srini a copy of your presentation slides BEFORE the presentation

After the presentation, each project group will be required to submit a short report (as detailed in the handbook) to either Kevin or Srini.

The deadline for the report submission is Monday, 22nd February 5pm, via HARDCOPY to the HSS General Office.

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